Elizabeth, You Were Born To Play That Part
For you Id do anything
Tear myself in two
Just to hear you breathe
Calculate the changes that in time
Turn to nothing and then multiply
Yourself by pain,
And you're not even close Elizabeth
Over you I will never be,
I wish I knew why
It never comes to me,
I'm waiting for someone who just wont show
And every night it feels like there's no tomorrow
Not that you will ever know,
Where ever you are I hope you're happy now
I'm caught in a dream and I cant get out
I'm caught in a dream
I'm caught in an endless dream
And I'm not strong enough to let you go,
And I have tried everything
But that
Konserten var grym! Tack Emma för att du drog med mig :)
Blir alltid lite hög när man varit på en konsert som gör intryck. Hade en konstigt känsla i hela kroppen efteråt, konstigt med bra :)
Tear myself in two
Just to hear you breathe
Calculate the changes that in time
Turn to nothing and then multiply
Yourself by pain,
And you're not even close Elizabeth
Over you I will never be,
I wish I knew why
It never comes to me,
I'm waiting for someone who just wont show
And every night it feels like there's no tomorrow
Not that you will ever know,
Where ever you are I hope you're happy now
I'm caught in a dream and I cant get out
I'm caught in a dream
I'm caught in an endless dream
And I'm not strong enough to let you go,
And I have tried everything
But that
Konserten var grym! Tack Emma för att du drog med mig :)
Blir alltid lite hög när man varit på en konsert som gör intryck. Hade en konstigt känsla i hela kroppen efteråt, konstigt med bra :)
Postat av: Lotta
Hej gumman.
Hoppas allt är bra! Tack för partyt i lördags, synd bara att det skulle sluta så tidigt! Vill såååå gärna komma på din fest i helgen, men jag ska ju dra runt en herrmiddag som säkerligen kommer bli helt galen.
En middag i veckan snart kanske?
Ta hand om dig & kissarna så ses vi snart!
massa kramar till världens bästa Maria
LOTTA (den alltid upptagna, i exakt 72 dagar till)